Sunday, June 24, 2007
Family Tree - Cuprill Genealogy
Wednesday, May 16, 2007
Datos Históricos del Arbol Genealógico de la Familia Cuprill (Genealogy Facts)
Los hermanos Cuprill - Ramón Cuprill[2] y María Benancia Cuprill - vinieron a la América, St. Thomas [3], en el año 1842. Los menores, Ramón de 18 años y María Benancia de 15 años vinieron de Dinamarca al cuidado de la institutriz francesa Soumerville y su tutor Juan Bertolachi. Bertolachi pagaba los servicios de la institutriz. La herencia de los Cuprill estaba en los documentos en poder de don Juan Bertolachi, hermano de la Madama Bertolachi, dueña del hotel francés en Ponce. Aquí se allegaban Corsos y Franceses que venían de Francia para la América. En el 1842 aparece Domingo Mariani Dominicci - huyéndole a la Madama Bocachamps que lo iba a matar por seducción y abandono.
Este se asoció con don Juan Bertolachi estableciendo un compadrazgo. Don Juan Bertolachi entregó María Benencia Cuprill a Domingo Mariani Dominicci, como también le entregó parte de la herencia de los menores Cuprill. De María Benancia Cuprill tuvo el Corso tres hijos legítimos por reconocimiento. Estos fueron Tomás Mariani Cuprill, José Mª Mariani Cuprill, y Antonio Mariani Cuprill. Todos ellos murieron y actualmente vive parte de su descendencia.
Al principio histórico de la familia Cuprill en Puerto Rico hay varios apellidos que tienen su relación por consanguinidad. Estos apellidos son: Silvestrini, Rivera de Toledo, López de Victoria, Lacroix, González, Rodriguez y Seda.
[Estos datos se pueden ampliar y están sujetos a correcciones verídicas.]
(The brothers Cuprill - Ramón Cuprill[2] y María Benancia Cuprill - came to America, St. Thomas [3], in the year 1842. The minors, Ramón 18 years old and María Benancia 15 years old, came from Denmark in the care of a French governess Soumerville y their guardian Juan Bertolachi. Bertolachi paid for the services of the governess. The inheritance of the Cuprills was in documents in the care of don Juan Bertolachi, brother of Madame Bertolachi, the owner of the French Hotel in Ponce. Here Corsicans and Frenchmen would gather once they arrived in America from France. In 1842, Domingo Mariani Dominicci comes into the scene - hiding from Madame Bocachamps, who was going to kill him for seduction and abandonment.)
(Mariani established an association with don Juan Bertolachi, including godfathering of children. Don Juan Bertolachi gave María Benencia Cuprill to Domingo Mariani Dominicci (in marriage), as well as her part of the Cuprill inheritance. With María Benancia Cuprill the Corsican had three recognized legitimate children. These were Tomás Mariani Cuprill, José Mª Mariani Cuprill, and Antonio Mariani Cuprill. These are all deceased but part of their descendency lives.)
In the historical beginning of the Cuprill family in Puerto Rico, there are various surnames that are related by blood. These are: Silvestrini, Rivera de Toledo, López de Victoria, Lacroix, González, Rodriguez and Seda.)
(This data can be expanded and is subject to verified corrections.)
[1] Tía de don Charles Cuprill Oppenheimer. (Aunt of Charles Cuprill Oppenheimer)
[2] Padre de don Eloiso Cuprill Gonzalez, mi abuelo quien nació en Yauco, P.R. alrededor de 1854, y murió en Ponce en 1929. La madre de Eloiso se llamaba Antonia Gonzalez. En Yauco se le conocía como el maestro zapatero pues tenía una fábrica de hacer zapatos, que la vendió a la familia Oliveras. Don Ramón tuvo otros hijos a quienes reconoció.
(Father of Eloiso Cuprill-Gonzalez, my grandfather, who was born in Yauco, PR, around 1854, and who died in Ponce in 1929. Elosio's mother was called Antonia Gonzalez. In Yauco, Eloiso was known as the master shoemaker because he had a shoe factory, which was sold to the Oliveras family. Don Ramon had other recognized children.)
Por (by) Don Charles Cuprill Oppenheimer
[3] St. Thomas era territorio Danés. (St. Thomas was Danish territory at that time.)
Wednesday, May 9, 2007
The Cuprill Family - Introduction
At a later date I will include more genealogical information on the family. In the meantime I invite everyone to visit the family photo albums we have created.
Please, CLICK HERE for access to the photos.
I hope you enjoy this family home page.
Raymond W. Cuprill, Esq.